
{crock-pot}Meals & {life}Planner

First of all, if you aren't on Pinterest, you need to sign-up now....Go!  Hurry!

A few weeks ago, I pinned some crockpot meals.

I had to try a couple of those recipes and I planned my grocery list accordingly.

The other night, I compiled the ingredients for Chicken Curry and Healthy Mama BBQ Chicken.  

It took about 30 minutes to chop, mix, and store the ingredients.
I loaded the ingredients into freezer bags and put them away for later.  

Yesterday, I pulled the Healthy Mama BBQ Chicken out of the freezer and put it in the Crock-Pot (cooked on low for 8 hours).  I'm going to show you the finished product in a bit, but before I do, I had to take a minute to show you this...
In an earlier post, I mentioned that I got a new{life}planner.  I've been reading some recent blog posts on planners (everybody has the same idea these days).  I would have loved one like this or this, but mine works great too.  Next year, I may need to jump on the Erin Condren bandwagon and get a coupon for one of her awesome {life}planners because they are just too cute plus very useful!  I can't even begin to explain how much I love pens, paper, markers, paperclips, O-R-G-A-N-I-Z-A-T-I-O-N, etc.  SO, my new planner has fulfilled my obsession.........for now anyway.

Now that that's out of the way........

Here's last night's dinner:
Healthy Mama BBQ Chicken

This meal was a hit. 


  1. Leslie Hale - - -YOU ROCK!!!

    Love you,

  2. Looks delicious! I want to try some of these too. Love, Renee

  3. My husband and I went a couple of months where we were making all of our meals for two weeks and freezing them in one day. It took a few hours, but it was so nice when we were busy to have the meals pretty much done! These look so good too!

    I'm just finishing my household notebook, I'm hoping to blog about it soon. My husband has been making so much fun of me with my paper and pen "old school" ways. But I love it! I wish I could get an Erin Condren planner though- they are amazing!


I'd love to hear from you. Please leave me a comment.

For our joy and His glory,
