
Sick Baby

Miss Ava Grace has had her first sickness. Yesterday, she woke up with a temperature of 102 degrees. We could tell she did not feel well, but she continued to play and smile all day. The doctor said there was no reason to bring her in unless her temp got to be 105 degrees! Whoa! She had a temperature all day and a runny nose. Today, she has been much better. We stayed home from church today and danced to Third Day, listened to a preacher on T.V., and she jumped in her jumperoo. No fever today--so maybe the worst is over.


6 month check-up

Friday, Ava Grace went for her sixth month check up. The doctor informed me that AG is a big little girl--bigger than 7 out of ten babies her age. She is 26 1/4 inches long and 17lbs 5.5 oz. We have also been so pleased with her sleeping. She's been sleeping through the night since she was seven weeks old. Our little girl is growing up so fast, I never realized how much happened in a child's first year of life. I am in awe of all she is learning--growing and changing each passing day.


Girls' Day

Today my Mom, Ava Grace, and I went shopping. We had a blast and my little girl was a doll. She likes being out of the house. We stopped by Blessed Baby to pick up some "baby-proofing" supplies. Next, we went to the mall and had some lunch. Ava Grace took a very short nap. We wrapped the day up with a trip to...wait for it...WAL-MART. Fort Smith has just added its third Wal-Mart Supercenter and it's incredible.

I am off to feed Ava Grace some squash. This is going to be a new and exciting experience for us all. For the last six months, her diet has consisted of breastmilk, formula, and rice cereal. We are really about to throw her tastebuds for a loop!


Ava Grace is 6 months old!

Seriously!?!  My little SIX month old is just so darn cute! Can I get an AMEN!?!

This picture was the most difficult to take so far. She is all over the place and sitting up really well.

Happy Valentine's Day!!!


Squash the Squash

Just after her sixth month doctor's visit, Ava Grace ate squash for the first time.  As you can see in the picture--she hated it. She didn't cry, but we could tell that she didn't like the look of disgust she gave us. She made such a mess with it. We tried to give it to her a day later and she seemed to take to it a little bit better. We'll keep trying. I know she really didn't enjoy it, but it was a lot of fun for us!