
Sunday Pics | May To February 2017

We have never had the privilege of living in the same town as our extended family.  That's the main reason why this ole' blog got its start:  In 2007, I had just become a mom for the first time and our little Ava Grace was the first grandchild for both sides of the family.  Most of my posts were all about AG.  As technology progressed, I began to share more and more through texting.  

Each Sunday, for at least 6+ years, I have taken a pic of my girls before church and texted it to family.  We call it our "Sunday Pic".  It's nothing fancy.  I usually scream to the girls from my bathroom, "Girls, go sit on the piano for a pic." Then, I rush in and quickly snap it before we load up.  Plain and simple.

Here are some of the Sunday Pics from May to February 2017:
Click HERE Sunday Pics from the past.


I'd love to hear from you. Please leave me a comment.

For our joy and His glory,
