
What I'm Reading...

Since CC is over for the year, I have caught up on some reading.  I haven't put a dent in my 2016 reading list, but I'm determined.

I joined a book club and we just finished reading Crazy Busy.  Great book, great message, so needed!

 I'm rereading Shepherding a Child's Heart because I need a refresher.  For me, one of the greatest revealers of my sin has been through my marriage and parenting.  My idols, selfishness, and pride are easily revealed when dealing or not dealing with my kids.

Best book on parenting I've ever read.  It's also a great book for living a life that honors God.


Sunday Pics | January - April

Each Sunday, for at least 5 years but maybe even longer, I have taken a pic of my girls and sent it out to all of our extended family. * I rarely miss a Sunday and it's known as the Sunday Pic. 

Sunday pics January - April:


Five on Friday

It's FIVE on FRIDAY, but more importantly, it's my JoJo's 3rd birthday.  Happy Birthday, Joy!

I have been away from this blog for some time.  The other day, I glanced at the BLOG ARCHIVE menu and had to laugh.  I posted less last year than I did in my first full year of blogging.  Although I've been busier than ever--three kids, homeschooling, directing CC, and just all the other stuff in life, I am not ready to walk away from this very OLD (in blog years) blog.  I know that a year of hardly ever posting has cost me followers and views, but eh...that's not why I blog.  I just like having this online journal(that I've printed into paperback books).  What started out as a way to keep family in the loop with the kiddos is really outdated now.  Hello...facetime, who needs an ancient BLOG!?!  I don't even think the family reads this blog anymore.  But, I'm still here and gonna attempt to blog more regularly now that things are chill for a minute.  

I'm so grateful that the Lord is still growing me in Him.  Even when I've had a shortage of time, I'm thankful for the push to grow.  He is faithful!

I got a new light fixture for the entryway and I'm so pleased--less than $100 and it puts a smile on my face every time I walk by it!

I may be late to jump on the bandwagon, but have y'all tried Benefit's Roller Lash?  It's no hoax, it's the real deal.  *I've never done a sponsored post and I'm not being paid to say this...it's the best mascara!

My Classical Conversations community was so kind and generous to me.  On our last community day, they gifted me money and lots of gift cards, a coffee cart, plants, neat things for my house, a coffee mug, candy, and a bunch of very kind and thoughtful cards.  I'm so appreciative to the moms in our community.  They serve, encourage, inspire, and give of their time and resources.  I am so glad that I don't have to homeschool on an island all by myself.

Godiva chocolates for the W-I-N!

Joy Tatum is THREE.  Last week we celebrated her birthday, Charlie Brown style!  Click HERE to see pics and read about the party.

Thanks for stopping by.  If you are new to the blog, follow along!   I am hoping to post more regularly....at least for the summer.

Happy Birthday, Joy


 three years old

You are a treasure to me.


Charlie Brown Birthday

Saturday we had a little Charlie Brown birthday party for our soon to be three year old.  Joy loves Charlie Brown so it was a no-brainer that we would have a Peanuts-themed party.  Nothing real special, just some play time at the park, cake & ice cream, and fun with friends.


For a special birthday outfit, I hot-glued some black rickrack to a yellow shirt.

About two weeks before the party, I called my favorite cake lady to order a custom cake for the big day.  She is awesome and really inexpensive.  She apologized and told me that she had to quit making cakes to spend time with her family.  WHAT????  Plan B: The cake wasn't anything special, but it tasted good.

The "unused" Bath toys we put on the cake to spruce it up.

One of the gifts was red clown noses for our weirdo family.  Graham's face is priceless.

Joy got an adorable teepee from Na, Pops, and KK, complete with a chandelier.

I'm thrilled my little girl liked her party! It was fun and I'm glad it's checked off the list of to-dos!  Her actual birthday is tomorrow and I'm sure we will celebrate with a good breakfast and lots of time loving on our very special and adored three year old!

Happy THIRD birthday, Joy!!


Classical Conversations Wrap-Up

Wednesday, we wrapped up CC for the year.  It has been a great year and also a really, really busy year.  For almost six years, I haven't "worked" and taking on the director job was definitely a lot of work.  I'm glad I did it and plan on tackling another year in the fall.

Friday, we had our End of Year Celebration right smack dab in the middle of heavy thunderstorms, tornado warnings, and flood warnings.  Even though phone sirens were blasting and the rain made it hard to hear, it was a great night.  Thankfully, the weather passed and everyone made it home safe and sound.

Like last year, I took class pics for our community.  If you can believe it, I knew it was picture day and I remembered my camera, but I forgot it was picture day.  Make sense?  It's like my mind knew it was picture day but forgot that it involved my kids--no cute outfits or fancy hairdos for the Hale sisters.

I made a little video montage for the End of the Year Celebration.  The mission statement of Classical Conversations is:  To Know God and To Make Him Known.  I thought this song (in video) was very fitting to wrap up our year.  Check it out:

Classical Conversations of Central Tyler 2015-16 from Leslie Hale on Vimeo.

All of life comes down to just one thing and that's to know you, Oh Jesus, and to make you known.

Classical Conversations is a phenomenal program and I could talk about it, home discipleship, and the rise of Biblical illiteracy until I'm blue in the face.  If you have any questions, please leave comment!  I'd love to share.


Bluebonnets 2016

Texas tradition....

Bluebonnets 2016

 Bluebonnets 2015

Bluebonnets 2014