
Five on Friday


A few weeks ago, the kids went to my mom and dad's for a Winter break.  It was more like Spring Break, but that's not for another week.  When our kids are gone, we text them pics of us playing in their room.  We sent them this pic of us laying on the top bunk and reading Ramona Quimby: Age 8
While the kids were away, we gave the porch a much needed make over.  We had cedar shutters made and installed, painted the front door, and painted the furniture on the porch.  It gave our house a nice and much needed update.  *Hoping to have the trim painted soon and possibly white wash the brick. 

This kid LOVES the trampoline...

My kids have issues...

a pic of AG and me


  1. Twinning :-)
    Joy seems so grown up!
    And your home is so beautiful

  2. Absolutely love the updates on the home! The cedar shutters are beautiful!


I'd love to hear from you. Please leave me a comment.

For our joy and His glory,
