
Edy's Movie Party

It's been over a week since her actual birthday, but Edy was patient and we finally had her MOVIE PARTY!!!

Here's the recap:
I set out pics from all of her FIVE birthday parties and the birthday pics I recently took of her.

How cute is her cake!?!

I took a tri-fold board, painted vertical stripes, and cut a little curtain and window for a great make-shift ticket booth!

The BiRthDaY GiRL!

 little [living room] movie theater

For party favors, I made white chocolate (added red food coloring) popcorn with pretzels.

 Mommy and Daddy with the birthday girl!

I let AG run the ticket booth.  Each kid got four tickets to spend at the concession stand!

Edy had a blast at her party!!  I was thrilled with how everything turned out!!


  1. Sooooo much fun!!!

  2. What a cleaver idea and the cake is just the cutest! Looks like it was a smash!

  3. Super cute-you always do so well with parties :-)
    That was a good idea with tickets for concessions so the kiddos didn't load up on too much candy.


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For our joy and His glory,
