
Imperfect Home Tour: Big Girls' Room

Like I said last weekI love making my house a home.  It's my hobby, but I'll be the first to tell you I'm no interior designer.  I enjoy decorating and I'm learning to embrace my home and my style--imperfections and all!  

Today, I'm showing off my big girls' room:  Ava Grace and Edy Rose.

The girls have been sharing a room for around two years.  AG sleeps on the bottom bunk and Edy sleeps on the trundle pull-out bed.  Although the top bunk has a bar and ladder, I'm not quite ready to make that bed every single day.  Have y'all made a bunk bed?  It's literally torture!

 A year ago, I painted my old childhood armoire this bright creamsicle color.  You can read more about that HERE.

Hands down, the number one viewed post and most pinned post from my blog is the tutorial I gave on making cornice boards without any carpentry necessary.  Click HERE to check it out.  In the post, I give a detailed tutorial on how to make cornice boards from Styrofoam insulation using duct tape, a staple gun, some batting, and fabric.  I'm happy to report that these cornice boards are still as lovely as the day they were installed.  

 My big girls are 2.5 years apart, but they are best friends.  I pray they will always love each other as they do now...and include Joy in their bond as she gets older.

 This little cabinet has been repurposed so many times.  First, it was my in-laws.  Then, Graham and I painted it and used it in our first apartment as a little pantry.  After that, I painted it again and used it in my classroom.  AG's nursery was pink and brown and I painted it and used it in there for a while.  Now, it fits perfectly behind the girls' bed to store books.  I've never taken the time to repaint it.  I guess I could quickly repaint the door for a quick update.  Hmmm...maybe later! :)

I'm so thankful for this big closet.  It makes organizing and keeping things tidy so much easier.

AG loves her room!
Edy still enjoys playing at her vintage AKA 1990s hair salon.  

wall color: Valspar Icy Blue
armoire color: Valspar Peach Frenzy
bedding: Pottery Barn
wall flowers: Hobby Lobby
rug: Target
sell bunk bed, repaint twin beds, repaint walls a coral-ish color, new rug, change up wall decor

new flooring: a girl can dream.
Come back next Thursday for another room in my imperfect home tour series.


  1. What an adorable room! Love the bunk beds and the flowers on the wall. So cute and gives me lots of ideas.

  2. You do a GREAT job decorating!!!

  3. Love the armoire… we have one that needs to be redone and I can't wait to do it in a fun color! :)

  4. The perfect little girls room I'd say. I'm thinking I need you to come and help me decorate and accessorize our new house when we get finished.

  5. As always, I love your decorating skills! The girls room is perfect!! I'm totally pinning that cornice board tutorial too! :)

  6. Thanks, Julie! Those cornice boards are so easy and look nice and clean. Ive been admiring y'alls awesome camper on Insta. That thing is incredible.

  7. Cat, I'm not quite sure where that bunkbed is from. We bought it from a friend. IT has been great.

  8. Aww...thanks, Lisa. my girls like it, but I'm not sure how much! :)

  9. Well thank you! It was all the hubs idea to get a new camper... But I was sure to pick out "the one"! Lol. It's honestly almost nicer than our home! Haha! ;)


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For our joy and His glory,
