
Five on Friday

Time for another Five on Friday...

Graham has high hopes of growing a few pumpkins this fall.  Apparently, the prime time to plant pumpkin seeds in order to have pumpkins by Halloween is July 4th.  He has the soil ready to go and will be planting the seeds in the coming weeks.  Crossing my fingers he gets a few pumpkins.  I've mentioned that plants come here to die, but maybe, just maybe, Graham is better with plants than me.  I'll keep you posted.

Joy has been really sick with vomiting and fever for the last few days.  Having a sick baby is one of the most helpless feelings for a parent.  My poor baby was very sick.

I'm happy to report that she's on the mend.

Graham is so good about taking his girls on dates.  Monday, they went to see Maleficent.  They loved it and had the best time with their handsome date.

Y'all, I'm not a baker...but I try. Here's my attempt at copying Nothing Bundt Cake's icing style...

If you haven't checked out my home tour series, click HERE.  So far I've given a tour of three rooms in our home.  More to come in next week.

Wishing the dads in my life a very Happy Father's Day!!


  1. Just found your blog from the link-up :) Love it! I live in Texas too :) That picture of Joy and her pouty lip is adorable...seriously, probably the cutest thing ever though I hope she got to feeling better quickly. Poor thing! You girls are beautiful :) And your cake looks great! I love making bundt cakes but haven't attempted the icing like that. Have a wonderful weekend, Leslie!

  2. Hope @ Hope in a BlogJune 13, 2014 at 9:36 AM

    Growing pumpkins...SO COOL! Prayers to precious baby Joy <3. Xxxx.

  3. mmm the bundt cake look magical to me! And, my gosh what a sad picture - glad she is on the mend. Aria hasn't been sick yet other than teething (praise the Lord), but I am dreading the day when something hits her. oooh pumpkins, that is awesome! I hope they stick and thrive and you have a pumpkin patch all your own come October! I wonder if I could grow them in FL..with my penchant for killing all plants, haha.

  4. Cat @ MaryMarthaMama.comJune 13, 2014 at 1:35 PM

    Oh poor Joy! I'm glad she's on the mend. Vomiting and fevers really are the worst. Hope she continues to feel better!

  5. Sweet, Joy! That sad face makes me sad. I'm glad to hear she is on the mend. I can't wait to see how growing pumpkins goes for y'all. Have a great weekend!

  6. Yes, a sick baby is heart breaking and seeing her little sad face makes me sad. Glad she's doing better.

    Pumpkins are great! Will enjoy keeping up to date with how the growing goes.

    Happy weekend!

  7. I planted pumpkins last year and they were a huge success! Although I took the slightly easier route and used starter plants. Good luck!

  8. Your house looks gorgeous and that cake looks delicious! So sorry to hear your precious little Joy was sick, so glad she is on the mend. That pic is pitiful :(

  9. Man I wanted a pumpkin patch but my hubby put a veto stamp on that idea. I actually read any time June to July is good for planting. It just depends on how early in October you want them.

    That cake looks so yummy!

    Sorry for the sick little one, that face is so sad :(.

  10. glad to hear your pumpkins were a success. hopefully we will have the same luck!!! Thanks for stopping by, Laura.

  11. Thanks for stopping by, Kelli. I've been meaning to get back to your response to my comment on your blog. I use doTerra EO. They have been wonderful, but I'm just getting real acquainted with them. Learning more each day.


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For our joy and His glory,
