
31 Days of Balance as a Homeschool Mom

I'm doing something I've never done before...I'm accepting The Nester's 31 day writing challenge.  YAY!!!  Don't all of you scream at once! ahem....can't say I'm not scared!  Basically, the goal is to write a post every day for the month of October based on a topic of one's choosing.  I guess you noticed my topic?  31 Days of Balance as a Homeschool Mom.

For all of you newcomers to my little blog, two things I swore I'd never do:  Homeschool and drive a minivan!  Guess what?  I now--PROUDLY--do both! 

It's no surprise that I've decided to take the next 31 days to write about homeschooling, but not just that, finding the balance between homeschooling and everything else that being a mom requires.  This new adventure is tough and it took some time to work out the kinks, but after careful planning and adjusting...and more planning and readjusting...I am starting to feel more balanced.

I believe the general assumption is that the SAHM/homeschooling mom has more time on her hands and can get the day-to-day tasks accomplished a little easier/faster than that of a "working" mom. But as a former "leave the house and go to a job" mom, I can confidently say--that's a huge misconception! Being a mom is tough--no matter what you do! Can I get an Amen?  One of the keys is finding B-A-L-A-N-C-E. 

For the next 31 days, I plan to focus on balancing life as a homeschool mom.  It should be fun and I hope you will stick around as I take the challenge.  Also, in an effort to network and become more seasoned, I'd love to meet some homeschooling moms.  Drop me a line or two, I'd love to hear from you.

I went ahead and planned most of my posts for the next 31 days.  They are subject to change, but I'll be linking up each subsequent post below:

Day 1: Introduction to 31 Days
Day 2: Bible Study with Breakfast
Day 3: Schoolroom:  A Place to Get Balanced
Day 4: Public School Teacher Turned Homeschool Mom
Day 5: Morning Routines
Day 6: A Day in the Life {Sunday}
Day 7: Getting Organized {and staying that way}
Day 8: Teaching Reading
Day 9: Learning to Chase Rabbits
Day 10: Teaching Math
Day 11: Contributing Financially
Day 12: A Day in the Life {Saturday}
Day 13: Dirty Laundry
Day 14: A Day in the Life {Monday}
Day 15: Classical Conversations
Day 16: What's the Baby Up To?
Day 17: Involving the Kids in Meal Prep
Day 18: Homeschooling a Preschooler
Day 19: Bad Days?  You Have Those?
Day 20: Taking Time for Play
Day 21: Weekly To Do List
Day 22: A Day in the Life {Tuesday}
Day 23: A Day in the Life {Wednesday}
Day 24: A Day in the Life {Thursday}
Day 25: Five on Friday
Day 26: Just a Closer Walk with Thee
Day 27: Rest Time
Day 28: Family Fun
Day 29: Say Goodnight
Day 30: I hate the phrase "Me Time"
Day 31: Closing Thoughts

I'm hoping that this series will give a little glimpse into what life is like as a homeschool mom, but paint a true picture--no fluff or frills.  I'm just trying to balance it all the best I can!


  1. I am so, so excited to read more! As a former public school teacher turned homeschool mom, I completely understand your, "never gonna homeschool" sentiment. Can't wait!

  2. Thanks, Liz! I, too, was a public school teacher so it's been a challenge making the transition from the classroom to homeschooling. I look forward to checking out your blog!

  3. I am so excited about this! I was not a teacher before homeschooling my son, but I did utter the the words "I will never homeschool my kids" a time or two.

    1. Yes...we are all guilty of saying "never" about certain things! Ha! I'm still saying NO to mom jeans! :)

  4. I'm looking forward to following along...I'm a homeschooling mom that was homeschooled myself and I love reading about other people's homeschooling journey.

    1. Glad you are following along! I look forward to checking out your blog!

  5. Replies
    1. Hopefully I can do this well! :) Thanks for checking it out.

  6. Replies
    1. I know...isn't funny how our perspectives change!? I look forward to checking out your blog!


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For our joy and His glory,
