
little walk down memory lane...

Two years ago--the day before Easter, we sadly suffered a miscarriage.  Although it was a really hard time in our lives, I remember being filled with so much joy on Resurrection Sunday.  The undeniable fact that our Heavenly Father is our Comforter, Healer, Protector, Sustainer, Deliverer, Provider...could not escape me even in my pain.

It was a really good day.

Last year, I looked at this pic of our family several times and prayed...Father, if my family never grows beyond these four members, I will continue to give You all the honor and praise.  

And this year...all five of us (just 5 weeks until Joy's due date). I'm thankful and humbled that God granted me my request.

1 comment:

  1. A very moving tribute to our very Gracious God. I love this post, my how the girls have grown up! You and Graham still look the same ;) Ly, Renee


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For our joy and His glory,
