
changes around the blog

You may have read in an earlier post that I made some changes to the blog and I was worried that my old domain (blogspot.com) wouldn't link to my new domain:  ourjoyhisglory.com .  It appears that all the kinks have been worked out and the new domain is up and running.  Supposedly, any links to the old domain will be redirected to the new one (let me know if you have any issues being redirected).  The only problem I have encountered deals with pins in which people have linked to the old address.   It looks like those pins show an error instead of redirecting to the new address.  That problem may eventually work itself out or all of those pins may be lost forever.  For now, only new pins will link to the new address.

So...for the first time in the history of Our Joy...His Glory, I paid for a blog make-over. *gasp*  Granted, I paid 15 bucks and it was a premade template, but I like it.  It was a splurge.  It was so easy and I love the simplicity of the new look.  After years of trying to make my blog look as good as I possibly could on my own--I'm worn out.  I also paid 10 dollars for the new (.com) domain.  Twenty-five bucks for the ole blog after almost five years isn't too bad. :)  Who knows, maybe I'll get even more gutsy and add some ads in the future.
*If you ever choose to update your blog through designerblogs.com, please tell them I sent you.  I would love a $5 coupon for the distant future. :)

If you are a Google Reader subscriber, click over and check out the new look.  If you're like me, you like to peek in on the actual blogs you read from time to time.

Thanks to all of my readers/subscribers/followers.  I don't know if I bring much to the table, but I appreciate you sticking with me!  Also, thanks for the sweet comments on my posts--it's encouraging and motivating to hear from you.


  1. I'm loving your new look! So clean and simple! The color palette is making me wish for Spring weather here in East Texas!

    Love it!

  2. Looking good and fancy at your new site!! Good job! :)


I'd love to hear from you. Please leave me a comment.

For our joy and His glory,
