
Plant it.

I have a black. thumb.  I am a killer of all plants--a murderer!  

Every Spring, Graham gets a big ole grin on his face when I come home with the flowers I am determined to beat the odds with.  I usually say, "Shut-Up!  I've done my research and these guys are going to make it."  But, alas, every. single. year. they don't!  

A few days ago, I was inspired by Nester's posts on using plants in the home.  I liked her encouragement, her tips, her photos.  

Years ago, I rid my house of any and all artificial plants--why did it take me so long to kick out those dust collectors!?!  Now it's time to get REAL.  So I took Nester's advice and got succulents and low maintenance plants.  I'm fighting the urge to water them--apparently over-watering is the main killer of plants.

I took some pictures of my plants and hopefully they will look this good or better in the weeks and months to come.  I'm optimistic!


The house plants make me happy and I am fighting the urge to buy more! Gotta prove myself to the ones I have first!


  1. I always had a heck of a time with African Violets. But they are one of my plants of choice now. I have been blessed with a "greener" thumb. Yours look so nice in all matching white- I live for color so any & all pot colors go for me. My new venture is to try to make a terarrium or two. Going to see how that goes. I know when I first moved into my house I killed two of my big plants but they were very happy where they were & didn't like my new house.
    Yours look beautiful.

    1. Thanks, B! You need to post some tips on your blog to help us less gifted gardeners! :) I am hoping that I get better this go around!

  2. Good luck with your plants! I hope they grow and are even prettier in a few weeks. I am about to jump into the same challenge. I'd really like more plants in our house. The few I have kept alive bring me such joy. It's amazing what a little patch of green can do in a room. Thanks for sharing. I found you through It's Overflowing.

    1. Thanks, Holly! I agree--a little green goes a long way!

  3. I also have a black thumb - my house is where plants come to die. The thing I found most encouraging about The Nester's posts was that she doesn't mind that her plants don't live forever; she simply takes pleasure in the time that they survive. I'm still holding on to my silk plants, but I am trying again this spring with a few new live things, both indoors and out. Good luck with yours!

    1. Thanks, Tisha! I thought the same thing about Nester's post....I am not going to get down in the dumps if these plants don't make it. I am simply going to be happy while they are around!

      I planted some things outdoors and have already overwatered them (my girls did it!) I am hoping they bounce back!!!

    2. Thanks for linking this up @ Show & Tell!

  4. They look so good, Leslie! Your photos are stunning too. Good on you for making these gorgeous changes.

    My weekly Say G'day Linky Party is on now and I would be so thrilled if you could join in and link up this great post!

    Best wishes for a fabulous weekend!
    Natasha in Oz

    1. Thanks, Natasha! I am hoping for the best!

  5. I've killed several potted plants since I moved here to Florida last August. Maybe succulents will be the answer for me to. At least here, I can plant them outside if they don't thrive indoors.

  6. I love the succulents! I think I am going to get some;)

    1. I know! I love them too. Hoping for the best!

  7. I'm with you there, honey. I recently dug up some flowers from my parents home that we are having to sell. They are wiltin already and I did all the right things, I thought! I killed every last plant that we took home from 2 funeral last year. Ugh...

    1. Well, unfortunately, the plants/flowers I planted outside are already starting to look shabby! *sigh* Hopefully, I can do right by my indoor plants! Fingers crossed!

  8. I have become a (self-professed) succulents queen! They really are so easy to care for...I have one that I should only water once a month. Once a month! I can hardly believe it. I have to set reminders on my phone. That aloe is a good one to have at your house for quick burn/bites relief. And your jade is lovely...Jades will adapt to whatever sized vessel they are in, so if you want it to grow bigger, replant it in a bigger pot. I think you're doing a great job- they are all lovely!

    1. I may be calling on you for help in the future. Like how often to water, how much light...etc.

      Right now, I'm just checking the soil and looking at the leaves to determine if they need water. What do you think?

  9. You hang in there! Just don't overwater & you should be just fine! I have a green thumb and in my last house I could not keep a plant alive! Turned out it was because we had a water softener and the salt was killing the plants. Sometimes heavily chlorinated water will do that as well. You might want to save rainwater for watering your plants and see if they do better.

    Thanks for popping by my blog & leaving such a sweet comment on my project. xox

    1. That's a good idea about the rainwater. I'm certainly going to do that!!! Thanks for the tip. Here's to healthy plants!

  10. Hi Leslie! Thanks for visiting my blog today and following me too! Am following you back! Love your houseplants, I have some of the same ones! Have a great week! Heather :)

  11. i love that we follow some of the same blogs...i saw that one too and have been wanting to go buy some succulents for my apartment! you have inspired me! love ya sister!!!

    1. Hoping for the best with your plantie endeavors, KK!!!! Post pics on that blog of yours!

  12. I just wanted to pop back and say thanks so much for linking this beautiful post up to my weekly Say G'Day Saturday Party.

    I hope you will be able to join in and link up another fabulous post this weekend!

    Best wishes,
    Natasha in Oz


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