

It's been a bit since I've blogged about the goings on around here.  Plus, I got scolded a little bit by a person whom shall remain nameless (you know who you are!).  So....here is a little picture dump.  *Gah!  I hate that name, but it seems to be the go-to title in the blog realm for posts such as these.
Here goes:

simply. gawgeous.

AG and I love to go to the tea room for our girly outings.  Edy isn't quite ready to be proper and pleasant.  

The latest craze around here: STICKER EARRINGS!!!  It's all the rage! *I'm finding them all over the house and it's about to drive this mama mad.

Rosie got a haircut and AG got her first french braid.  Isn't it Mavelous?

This weekend, my Gran and Papaw traveled all the way from Alabama to visit us.  We had a wonderful time together.

The girls love their Gran, just like their mama!

Oh! And the girl's new bathing suits made their debut at the hotel pool.  Aren't they ridiculously cute?
Thanks, Na!
Check out my new vinyl wall decal I got off of Etsy.  love.

Yep, that's hair!  I spotted it on the patio and here's the convo that went down:
Me:  Ava Grace, is that your hair?
AG: Yes m'am, Edy Rose pulled it out.
Me:  Edy Rose, this is not good at all!
AG: It's okay, Mom, I have plenty more hair!
Well, that's about wraps up this picture dump. *I need a different go-to title.*


  1. You can title it what ever you want to, I'm just soooo glad to see new and precious pictures! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  2. i love it!!!! i love the picture dump. and my boys would LOVE the title. don't change it. lol. ;)

  3. Picture Pile - That could work. I also did a plant post on the inside plants, if you want to check it out.


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For our joy and His glory,
