
Christmas Tour: Mantel

Back to the tour...

Can I just say, I love my mantel!?!  In the six years I've been fixing a mantlel, I finally got the look I've been striving for--natural and elegant.
 Is it bad that I actually bought those California pine cones?  We don't get those suckers here in the piney woods of East Texas.  I love them!
 After all these years, I still LOVE my simple red stockings.  I hope they are with us forever.
The verdict is still out about separating the stockings into groups of two.  I've never done that before, but I think I like it.
 {love} my basket of birch logs on the hearth
I'm on the hunt for a good fireplace set that is simple, discreet, and affordable.  Any suggestions?
I love this pine cone, cinnamon, and berry garland.
For other posts from the Tour, click HERE, HERE, and HERE.


  1. Your right - a perfect blend of natural and elegant. I really like the 2 groups of 2. And, the red is adorable.

    I'm still getting used to having a mantel - actually it's a faux mantel - no fireplace. So far, when i decorate it, i think it's too linear and bland. No softness.

    We'll see what comes this year!
    Off to check out those other tours!

  2. Oh man, I have bags of Montana pine cones I would have sent to you...
    I like these posts. You get so into Christmas. I had a request to put up a tree this year. I put up two but I bet they both are dwarfed by the girls' little tree.

  3. I love it! I would try target for the fireplace set. I havent checked this year, but that is where my mom got hers last year. Very affordable!

  4. Love that garland! What a great idea. It is a very lovely mantle~ great use of the pinecones and I love that you wove the lights right in there. Awesome.


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For our joy and His glory,
