
Fall Festival 2011

Fall festivities have official begun and we are L-o-v-i-n-g IT!!  Today was our annual Fall Festival at church and the girls had a ton of fun except that neither one of them had a nap, which made it hard on me.  
Little Ladybugs
FUSSY little ladybug #1
little ladybug #2

Tat came down for the day to go to AG's soccer game and a little bit of the festival.  The girls were thrilled that he shared in their day!
Off to trunk or treat!

Graham handled our trunk while I kept up with the girls.  

What a sweet picture of a sweet girl.
FRIENDS....and that's how it shall remain.
What's a fall festival without a hayride?

Since there is a burn ban in our county, we had a make-shift campfire!
I'm here to tell you, this is one worn out little ladybug.

 I love getting together with my church family for fellowship.  We had a wonderful Fall Festival!

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For our joy and His glory,
