
A Craft Post

For a few months, I've been in a crafting slump.  Not much to do right now (waiting on house to sell), no creative ideas that I feel like carrying out, no desire, etc.  So today, I e-a-s-e-d back into crafting and it has lifted my spirits and got me so pumped up, y'all! *insert "Eye of the Tiger"* 

I forgot about how much I love riBbOn, unFiNisHed WoOd, hOt gLUe, ButTonS, sPrAy PAiNt, sCRapbOok PapEr, and MOD PODGE
I think personalized Easter baskets are so sweet.  Pottery Barn has some of the cutest little gingham-lined baskets that can be monogrammed with your child's name.  They are adorable, but too expensive for a stinkin' basket!  I just can't justify it.  What I can justify is 9 dollar baskets 50% off at Hobby Lobby.  I'm not a fan of the frilly, colorful, rickety baskets, I prefer plain jane--that's just how I roll.  I picked up a couple along with some wooden letters (50 cents) and a few sheets of scrapbook paper.

I decoupaged the scrapbook paper to the letter, added a few buttons, glued some ribbon to the back of the letter, and tied it to the basket...It doesn't get much easier than that.
By the way, how cute is this basket filler!?! Basically, it's just colored pillow stuffing! LOVE it. I hate that plastic grass stuff. It gets everywhere, clings to everything, and messes up my vacuum.  I'm just too OCD for it--makes me anxious.  For the same reason, I loathe glitter...just had to add that.

We still have a little bit until Easter, but I think these baskets make for cute spring decorations.  Plus, we have an egg hunt in a few weeks.  

Hmmm...I think I'm going to decoupage me some eggs (fake cardboard ones) with the remaining scrapbook paper...How cute will that be!?!

Now go get your craft on! 


  1. Yes!!!!! You & I can rule the world with our witty musical theatre repartee. Knowledge is power. ;)

    Love the baskets!!!! Need to do some like this. Gonna totally rip you off. I'm about to Mod Podge some plastic or papier mâché eggs w/ old pages from books, too. Fun, fun. And sister, I am so with you on GLITTER. I loathe it. Hate, despise & abominate it. (That's a musical quote as well. Meet Me in St. Louis, baby!)

  2. The baskets are soo stinkin cute! Leslie you have a knack for using simple things and making the coolest things out of them. Can't wait to see pics of the girls using their cool baskets to hunt their eggs. Take LOT'S of pics!! Renee

  3. These are so cute, Leslie! I have the Pottery Barn ones, but now I'm having buyers remorse. Great job!

  4. Loooove this! I am so going to do this and the eggs too! Great Ideas!


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