
Top Ten Tuesday

I think I am going to try a new series of posts to be published each Tuesday.  We shall see if this is a fleeting thought or if it is something I can keep up with on a weekly basis.  So here goes...my first, and hopefully not my last, Top Ten Tuesday post.

My Top Ten Favorite Movies (in no particular order):
  1. The Breakfast Club
  2. Sixteen Candles
  3. Meet the Parents
  4. 50 First Dates
  5. Hope Floats
  6. If Lucy Fell
  7. Say Anything
  8. Can't Buy Me Love
  9. Urban Cowboy
  10. Steel Magnolias
So there you have it...I dare you to list your top ten, "I DARE YOU!" (If Lucy Fell)


  1. I like the idea, but I think you should expound a bit on each item on the list. In the case of top 10 movies - why you picked each one of them or maybe your favorite line or moment...

  2. Kelsey's Top 10:
    1. Bella
    2. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
    3. Pillow Talk
    4. Nacho Libre
    5. You've Got Mail
    6. 500 Days of Summer
    7. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
    8. Breakfast at Tiffany's
    9. Alice in Wonderland (Tim Burton)
    10.Beauty and the Beast...I can't wait for it to come out on dvd!
    What is "If Lucy Fell"? I've never heard of it...I never knew Urban Cowboy was in your Top 10...gotta love Bud and Sissy. :)

  3. Corey, you are right. That would probably be a good idea. Kelsey, Beauty and the Beast would be number 11 on my list...it's def my favorite Disney movie.

  4. OK, I'll give this a try. My top ten movies:
    1. The Holiday
    2. Top Gun
    3. Steel Magnolias
    4. You've Got Mail
    5. Sleepless in Seattle
    6. SeaBiscuit
    7. Notting Hill
    8. Father of the Bride
    9. Out of Africa
    10. Field of Dreams

    Actually, I could give you my top 20 very easily!

    Love you

  5. Ok, why not?!
    1. White Christmas
    2. Pretty Woman
    3. Sleeping with the Enemy
    4. Oklahoma
    5. Twilight (don't judge!)
    6. Christmas with the Kranks
    7. Grease
    8. Pride and Prejudice (any version)
    9. Sweet Home Alabama
    10. The Passion of the Christ (hmmmm, should that have been #1?)


  6. I left mine off... so here we go... my top 10, as of this very moment (will probably be different tomorrow)

    1. Away We Go
    2. Almost Famous
    3. The Royal Tennenbaums
    4. All The President's Men
    5. The Empire Strikes Back
    6. The Great Escape
    7. The Magnificent Seven (Ha!)
    8. Snatch
    9. Superman II
    10. The Hudsucker Proxy


I'd love to hear from you. Please leave me a comment.

For our joy and His glory,
