
Trust in the Lord!

Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make straight your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6

Life has been a bit tough for us lately (i.e. living in different states, traveling, trying to sell the house, lack of stability for the girls, etc.). We have been going like crazy and I have been trying to keep my mind off of things, but that can be a hard thing to do. I have been praying and searching the scriptures for comfort--which helps a lot! I've been reading about Job. Boy, do I have it easy! Whenever times get tough, just think about Ole' Job. That'll put things into perspective quick!

Today, I traveled from Magnolia back to Fort Smith. Graham made the trip from Jacksonville to Fort Smith and now we are all here as a family. It's so nice. We will have to part ways again soon, but for now it is nice.

I have been on the road a lot lately. The girls travel pretty well, but today was hard. About an hour out of Fort Smith, Edy started crying hard. I mean REALLY hard! It is unusual for her to get so upset, but I couldn't do anything. My hands were tied, figuratively speaking--technically on the steering wheel.  So I asked AG if she would talk to her sister and try to make her shut up calm down. This much I know is true--Edy LOVES watching Ava Grace. Next thing I know, I hear Ava say, "It's okay, Edy. It be okay. I wub (love) you. I promise." It was just so sweet! I was all wrapped up in the moment until I heard her say, "Okay, okay, STOP CRYING. YOU HEAR ME, I'M THE BOSS!" Oh well, I'll take what I can get!

Back to the point of my post--I am going to continue to trust in the Lord through this valley.  In Him alone will I find strength.

1 comment:

  1. I Love All The New Posts!! The pictures are precious, and the stories behind them made me laugh (esp. Ava talking to Edy in the car. Too funny!!) And I like your outlook. We do have sooo much to be excited about. Thanks for the reminder. Love Ya, Renee


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For our joy and His glory,
