
Night Time Rituals

It has been nice to have Graham home because we get to do our night time rituals again.  Each night he reads the girls a story and a Bible story, then he reviews the Catechisms that we have been teaching AG, and finally we all sing a couple of songs.  AG loves to play her drum as Graham plays the guitar.

That We Might Live from Leslie Hale on Vimeo.

Ava Grace loves "Every Move I Make."  It's an oldie, but goodie!

Every Move I Make from Leslie Hale on Vimeo.


  1. PRICELESS!!!! Made my night. Thanks Ava Grace - Love, Na

  2. Love Ava Grace's hair! It was also pretty cute that she stopped drumming in the second song to start directing, but the big surprise was her grabbing one of her princesses and drumming with it in her hand.

    Aunt Ann


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For our joy and His glory,
