
Little Friends

In December of 2006, we bought our first home. We were so excited to have a home, but more excited about having a new addition in our family--a little one. Soon after moving in, we met our neighbors: Curtis and Bethany and Landen and Missy. Landen and Missy already had a precious little girl, Leightyn. Turns out, Missy and Bethany were expecting, too. I was due in August and Bethany and Missy were due in September. It wouldn't be long before we all found out the same news--It's a girl! So exciting! I could only imagine all the fun our girls would have together--and THEY HAVE! They have become best friends.

Our girls: Mylea, Macy, and Ava Grace

Mylea and Edy

Leightyn (the big girl), Ava Grace, Mylea, and Macy

Silly faces!

Playing Twister...Notice Leightyn, she's callin' the shots. She is so good with the "little ones" and they all love her so much.

Playing Perfection
Oh, and the story continues...
In May of 2009, I found out that I would have another little baby. You know the outcome--Edy Rose was born in January. Bethany, my neighbor, also had a little girl--Mady was born in March.

Mady and Edy

Our girls!

All the girls!
from l to r: Missy, Mylea, Leightyn, Ava Grace, me, Edy, Macy, Bethany, and Mady
What a wonderful blessing to have these sweet girls in our lives. We sure do hope that we have neighbors like this in Texas.


Desktop Background


Today was our last Sunday at Fellowship Bible Church in Fort Smith, Arkansas. It is difficult to say goodbye, but we look forward to what the Lord has planned for us next.

Graham preached this morning on his prayers for the church.

After church, we had some hamburgers. It was a great time for us to talk to everyone.

I will always have a special place in my heart for Fort Smith and Fellowship Bible Church. For one, our family grew from two to four here. Also, this was our first place to serve on staff and we have learned so much.
We have made some lasting friendships here and we are looking forward to spending some quality time with some of those friends throughout the week!

H2O continued...

Pics from the pool...

So cute!

Thanks for the pics, Corey. They are great.


Yesterday, we went to the pool and Corey snapped some pics of the girls playing in the water. This was Edy's first swim and she absolutely loved the water. We joked that her look of determination was a lot like Michael Phelps'. She kick and splashed the entire time she was in the water.

More pictures to come...


Just Plain Weird

When I was going through the old baby pictures, I discovered two pics with a very weird story:

Shortly after Graham and I married, I was looking through old photo albums and I noticed this picture of me with this strange, little blue gingham doll...
The same day, I discovered this picture of Graham...
Weird?  I asked Graham's mom about the doll and she has no recollection of it!

I love how it is just randomly placed in each picture. /just.plain.weird./

Who's that baby?

Who's that baby?



Seriously, my game is too easy!




1. Edy 2. Ava 3. Graham 4. Edy 5. me 6. Ava 7. me


What I'm Reading...

Taking Back Your Faith from the American Dream
by: David Platt
To say this book is challenging and convicting is an understatement.

Sometimes people will commend a book by saying, 'You won't want to put it down.' I can't say that about this book. You'll want to put it down, many times. --Russell D. Moore, dean, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

Edy Grows - 6 months

Edy, you're six months old today!
Wow! Where has the time gone?
At six months you:
  • eat rice cereal once a day
  • eat veggies and fruit for dinner
  • squeal A Lot!
  • sit unsupported--not great yet, but you're getting there.
  • cry when you drop a toy
  • love to play peekaboo
  • take three naps a day
  • adore your big sis--she can make you laugh better than anyone. You are always watching her.
We love you so much, Edy Rose.

Can you see the similarities? The differences?


Look Mom, no hands!

Sort of.  Edy is getting so good at sitting up all by herself. She sat up for a solid seven minutes this morning! Just look at her.

Thatta girl!

You wanna smile?

Did you?


Hello Imagination...

 For her birthday, we got AG a doll house.

This looks like a ton of fun, right?

Graham "decorated" the office! Ha!

"Look Mom, this house has pets!"


In just a few weeks, Ava Grace will be three years old! My oh my, where has the time gone? Since we will be moving to Texas soon, I wanted her to enjoy a birthday party with all of her friends. She has "grown up" with all of these kids and I wanted her to celebrate her birthday with them.

All ready for the party!

How cute is that cake!?!

Look at that cool doll house!

We are gonna miss all of these great kids! *sniff*

AG loved singing "Happy Birthday".

Our sweet little 3 year old!
And, who could forget about this cute girl!?!