

I've been sitting on the couch and AG has been in her room playing with...wait for it...CINDERELLA'S CASTLE! Can you believe it? Anyway, as I was sitting here, she came out of her room and started lining her princesses up one by one. Meticulously, I might add.

Each time she had a few standing solidly, she would close the door and get some more. All the while, never loosing concentration and constantly talking to her princesses.
Here comes some more...

Now, here comes Dopey!

I am loving this time with my little girl. It is hard to believe that she is about to have a little sister. It is a bittersweet feeling. We are ecstatic about Edy's arrival, but these few days with Peanut have been precious.


  1. Such a cute story! Glad you were able to capture that from the couch. :) Praying for you this week, and praying for Edy's arrival! Can't wait to meet her. :)

  2. LOVE it! I love that she plays so well by herself. My boys do too. It always comes in so handy..... :o) I love that she lines everything up. Ben used to do that with his cars. He was SO meticulous about it! Just makes you wonder what all is going on in that little head of theirs....

  3. Great pics of Ava Grace and her princesses, this is awesome!!NONNA


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For our joy and His glory,
