
Fall Festival 2009

Tonight, we had our annual Fall Festival at church. It was fun to see all of the kids dressed in their costumes. AG loved playing games and getting to see her buddies.Fall Family picture

AG won a little cake on the cake walk.

"Is that Hannah Montana?"
AG was eyeballing that wig. She loves long hair.

My Little Tinkerbell

Tonight, we went to the Fall Festival at our church. AG wore her costume and absolutely loved it. She will be wearing the costume again tomorrow for a Costume Parade and again on Halloween. I hope it holds up!


A lot to consider

I went to the doctor today for a check-up. Dr. said everything looked great and we will know the results of the glucose test soon. I'm sure that it went fine. He did give me something to think about:

Up until this point, I have assumed that I would be having a C-section with Edy just like I did with AG. Many of you know that AG was frank breech (one leg over her head) going into the third trimester and remained that way until birth. In fact, she was completely frank breech (both legs over her head) on the day of her delivery.

At my yearly exam, last January, I asked my doctor if I would be having C-sections with all other births from here on out. He led me to believe that a C-section would be the best (safest) route to take.

Today, Dr. sang a different tune. Apparently, he thinks that if my body progresses normally, I should be capable of tackling a vaginal birth. Since my pelvis, uterus, and all that other stuff were not the reason for my C-section, he seems to think that I may be able to go into labor and deliver a baby vaginally without any major issues. We will definitely be talking about it more as the pregnancy comes to an end, but it is something that I will be thinking long and hard about. I will have a two and a half year old to take care of as well as a newborn. Let's face it, it is hard to "bounce back" when your abdomen has been cut open. With AG, I had time to wobble around, but I don't think that will be the case with Edy. Don't get me wrong, I'm aware that vaginal births are difficult, too. I'm just trying to consider my options with an open mind. Who knows, this baby could end up breech and I could be back on the table. Time will tell.

Does anyone want to give advice regarding a V-back (vaginal birth after C-section)? I would love to know what you think on this topic.


Happy Halloween 2009

Pumpkin Carving

Tonight, we carved our Halloween pumpkin. This year, I didn't get stuck cleaning out the seeds and goo--Graham did it. All I had to do was draw the face and he did the rest. Ava Grace loves it! You should hear her say "Jack-o-lantern."

Pumpkin Party

Saturday, we headed down to Missy and Landon's for a fabulous Pumpkin Party. While the guys watched the game, the moms and kiddos had fun decorating pumpkins, masks, and harvest corn. Missy had all kinds of cute goodies and games. Thank y'all for the invite. We had a blast.


28 weeks and Counting

I am entering the final trimester. I have gained 12 pounds and I'm still feeling great! Just three short months and we will add a new little one to our family. I am getting excited, but I am feeling the pressure to nest and get things in order quickly!

So, what's on the agenda? CLEAN and ORGANIZE all day!  Today, I plan on going through every closet, drawer, nook, and cranny! I get the urge to throw away and declutter about every 6 months. I don't know if I can blame this desire on nesting or my genes!

I hope everyone has a great Saturday. Enjoy this fabulous Fall weather!


Fun Day for Play

It has been a while since I posted pics of AG playing on her play set. She still adores it and we play on it every chance we get. She is so good at climbing now.
Stopping to smile...Notice, Ariel is with her every step of the way!
I see you!

Swinging on the teeter totter with Ariel

At the top: "Wow! Look how far I climbed, Mom!"

Can we say, "STATIC!"

Sunday Pics

I just can't resist posting pics of my girl!


Fall Tradition

Some of you may remember my love for caramel apples from last year's post on my cinnamon-sugar, caramel apple. This year, I headed back to Kopper Kettle Candies and picked up another fabulous apple. I went for a chocolate drizzle, pecan-covered, caramel apple and it did not let me down. I still have some left for later. Edy Rose liked it, too. Moments after taking the first bite of that sour and sweet treat, she started doing flips in my belly.

AG liked it, too.

What a great tradition!

Red River Rivalry

Graham tells me we are in the middle of a BIG game between Texas and Oklahoma! We will see if all of the cheering helps!



Since it is getting cold, we decided to break out the warm pajamas. AG has always worn the footed p.j.'s in the winter, but this is the first year that she has realized how "cool" they are! She kept saying, "They have shoes, Bobby!"

Also, I haven't posted about AG's language development. She has really been talking a lot since she has been in "school". I love to hear her talk in complete sentences so clearly. It feels like we are really able to communicate. There are some funny quirks in her speech, too. For instance, ALL of her m's are pronounced as b's. So, I am still Bobby! In fact, we say to her: "Say, mmmmm Mommy." And she says, "bbbbbb Bobby." Her friends Mylea and Macy are Bylea and Bacy. Mickey Mouse--Bickey Bouse! You get the picture. Lately, we have noticed that she pronounces j's as hard g's. Today, when we told her that she was going to wear some new jammies, she screamed out, "GABBIES!" At least she is consistent!


Making Memories

My Gran and Papaw were traveling home from Branson and decided to stop in and visit with us. What a treat! We don't get to see them enough and I was so excited for them to spend some time with AG. She has grown so much since the last time they saw her.
AG insisted on taking a picture with Ariel and Snow White.

We thought that she looked like Little Bo Peep holding Papaw's cane.

We love you so much Gran and Papaw!


Monday, Monday

Ava Grace had a case of  "The Mondays"
I know it has something to do with being a two year old, but it can be so tiring for me. I just want to come home and love on my girl...I really don't want to be a disciplinarian. That's just part of being a mom.
I thought this was a funny picture because it sums up our afternoon. Such a cute little girl, but so many tears!

And then...happy again.

Adorable pic of the people I love
We were so excited to go eat chili at our neighbors...we needed to get out of the house!
Headed home on a brisk Fall night.

Time for bed!
Am I ready for Tuesday?


24 Weeks and Counting

I went to the doctor on Thursday and everything seems to be going well. No major news to tell. I did bring home my blood glucose test that I will drink 30 minutes before my next appointment. I am feeling Edy more than I remember feeling Ava Grace. She is moving constantly. It may be that she still has a lot of room. Hopefully, I can continue to exercise and stay healthy during this flu season. I am a little concerned, but I know that God is in control. I know that worrying is not from Him. I remind myself of that each time I have a student sneeze or cough. I am praying for continued protection from illness for each of my girls.
24 weeks--nine pounds gained so far...about sixteen weeks to go

Checking out Edy's Room

Wow! A lot changed while I was sleeping!

How much fun are two little girls going to be?


Project #4

For lighting, I bought two lamps from Wal-Mart. These were only $5.00 a piece! I added buttons and ribbons to one lamp and pom poms and ribbon to the other.

Graham painted a little table for me and it is still drying. Then, I will sand it and this little lamp will have a home!

We are getting closer to the finished room! YAY!

Project #3

I love having the kid's names on their wall. I wanted to do something a little different for Edy. I went to Hobby Lobby and got some unfinished picture frames.
painted them red...
painted some letters turquoise...
Added some scrapbook paper, rick rack, and buttons...

All done!

Project #2

Graham's Mamaw gave me this dresser. It was Mrs. Renee's when she was a little girl, which I think is neat to pass along to my kiddos. I just gave it a new coat of paint and some new hardware. It looks great! We are so excited to have such a cute piece of furniture for our new little one. Thank you so much, Mamaw.