
2 year check-up

AG went for her 2 year check-up today. She has really changed in two years!

She is 35 1/2 inches tall. This puts her in the 80th percentile in height. The doctor predicts her to be between 5'10 and 6 feet tall! WOW!!! Graham told me to let her know who the boss is now. By the time she is twelve, she is going to be looking down on me. She is 30 lbs 11 ounces which is pretty proportional for her height. The doctor told us that he thinks she is going to be tall and skinny. Sounds like a super model to me!

We are so proud of our "little" peanut!



This weekend, Graham, Ava and I traveled down to Conway. My mother-in-law, sister-in-law, and myself hosted a wedding shower for my sister. Right before we headed out the door, Ava Grace fell and busted her lip! Blood was everywhere, tears were shed, and pain was felt! We doctored it up -- I don't think she bit completely through her lip, but it looks awful.

Gorgeous table and fabulous food!

AG posing with everyone. Notice her fat lip!
Hostesses: Casey, me, and Mrs. Renee
After the shower, I stopped by and visited my close friend, Leah, and her sweet daughter. Leah and her husband just purchased a home that was built over 100 years ago. It looks so good and I can't wait to see what creative things Mrs. Leah does to the place. She is so good at things like this!


"Good" Note

Ava Grace received a good note yesterday. In lieu of her recent behaviors, I was excited. Here is what it said:

Ava is such a joy to have in school! She keeps us on our toes! She is also great at saying "I'm Sorry."

Well there you have it! A "Good" note! If you want to call it that! I'm one proud Mama!



Ava Grace has been having a bit of a rough spell in her behavior. "Terrible Two's" are in full swing around here. Graham and I have been in "discipline mode" each day and it is so difficult. We know that discipline is what is best for our little girl, but that doesn't mean that it is easy.

For the past few weeks, Ava has settled in nicely at her new school. She is gaining a lot of new vocabulary, she can draw and identify a circle, she can recognize the letter"A", and she loves her teachers and new friends. With that being said, each day that I have picked her up for school, her daily report has been NEGATIVE! There is a spot for teachers to mark whether the child's behavior was GREEN, YELLOW, or RED. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what those colors mean. For the past two weeks, AG has received a RED each day. I have been very discouraged by this. In fact, I talked to the "after-care" teacher and told her that we were willing to help in any way...I just need to know what negative behaviors are occurring from AG so I can reinforce at home.

The "after-care" teacher talked to AG's teacher (whom I don't see because she leaves before I pick her up) and the teacher corresponded with me through letter. She said that AG had not been on RED each day. She said that her class was learning the color RED and she had been circling that color to let the parents know what they were learning at school! Oh My Goodness! It was like a big sigh of relief. So, for two weeks, I had been a basket case trying to decide how I could handle my child's negative behaviors.

Although, AG has not been on RED daily, she is still having some issues that we are "chalking up" as the "twos." We are; however, continuing to press forward with the discipline even though it can be tough. It is our duty as Christian parents, right?!

We love you, Sweet Pea! We are praying for you and want nothing but the best for you!

Great Friends

When Graham and I got engaged, we were attending Central Church in Conway. We were in a fabulous engaged/newly married couples class and the teachers were Jeff and Yvonne. We quickly became close friends with them and started to spend extra time together. Graham and I admired Jeff and Yvonne's marital relationship--we wanted similar characteristics in our own marriage. We also had many unique similarities that bonded us as friends. Once we were married, Jeff and Yvonne would make trips to Memphis and stay with us and when we were in Conway, we always tried to stop by their house for a visit. Many things have changed through the years...both of our families have grown in numbers, but our friendship has remained a constant. Even though we only see one another periodically, we pick up right where we left off immediately. For the past five or six years, Jeff and Graham have had a tradition of going to a Razorback game together while Yvonne and I spend the day doing girl stuff. We have so much fun catching up and crafting.

This year, Ava Grace got in on some of the fun. Yvonne or "Bon" as AG called her, gave her new doll. Ava Grace has not put the doll down since she got her. The baby doll drinks a bottle and cries when you take the bottle out of her mouth. We taught Ava to "bounce the baby" back to sleep. Instead of bouncing the baby, Ava shakes the baby in a frightening way! We have a lot of things to learn before Edy enters the picture!

Each year, Yvonne and I try to think of a craft project to do. Last year, we made a bow holder for AG's room. This year, we gathered materials and made hair clips. Since AG is wearing "piggies" most of the time--due to her wild and crazy curls, she is not wearing as many bows.

Thank you, Jeff and Yvonne for coming to visit. It is always such a great time. Here in the near future, we need to plan a family vacation together. How much fun would that be?


20 weeks and counting

I forgot to post a preggers pic at 20 weeks.

The pregnancy is going really well at this point. Little Edy moves a lot and I love feeling her little kicks and punches. I wish I could stop and enjoy this pregnancy a bit more, but it is real hard with a 2 year old. I remember noticing everything about my pregnancy with Ava Grace, but I'm on the go so much that I miss a lot of things with this one. To me, it is flying by and January will be here before we know it! I can't wait to meet my new little girl.


Stun factor!

That's my beautiful little girl!

Mylea's Party

Today was Mylea's big day. We had so much fun celebrating her second birthday with her.
Birthday girl!

AG loved this little statue. She was cracking me up talking to her and giving her kisses. She loved that the little girl had "piggies" just like her!
Here is a short video of Ava Grace talking to the little statue and saying Edy Rose.

Go Hogs!

We headed down to Landon and Missy's to watch the Razorbacks play Missouri State. I love these girls!

To Go or Not to Go, That is the Question.

I am coming up on my ten year high school reunion.  I think it would be fun to see people I graduated with-- Plus, I'm curious about where people are and what they are doing.  However, I'm on the fence. I'll be six and a half months pregnant and I don't know if I'll be motivated to come.  Are any of you Magnolia High School Class of 1999 people coming?  If you went to your ten year reunion, are you glad you did?  If you didn't, do you regret it?  I want some input.


It's a...

This is our little Edy Rose.  Can't wait to meet this little gift from God.

She was very, VERY active during the ultrasound and the technician said that there were no questions regarding the gender!!! It is definitely a girl. The doctor said that she looks healthy and happy. She is a little runt of only 11 ounces! If you notice in the picture, she is just a wrinkly little thing. She is still set to arrive on Jan. 24th.

Soon I will post a video of Ava Grace saying "Edy Rose." It is adorable.


I'm ready!

Tomorrow is the day that we have our ultrasound. I am so excited to see the baby. I pray that our little one is healthy. Also, I am anxious to know if we are having a boy or a girl.

Looks like the majority of the voters think it is going to be a boy. We will know tomorrow...if he/she cooperates. I'm still guessing girl and Graham is leaning toward boy. I'll let ya know!