
Little Miss Homemaker

For Ava Grace's second birthday, we bought her a play kitchen. I had planned on giving it to her on her actual birthday, but it took me nearly 4 hours to put it together and she came in during the process.

She loves to wash the dishes and make a "shh" sound for the running water.


Ava's Big Girl Room

There are just a few more finishing touches left to do and Ava Grace's new room will be finished....for now. I'm constantly changing things, so I can't say it will ever be finished! I am going to have some pillows that will cover her bed and they are going to really add some color. Click here to look at the cute fabric. It is so special to have her using my old furniture. My parents bought it for me when I was twelve and after updating it a bit-I think it is perfect for my little girl.

Vacation: Day 3 and 4

For our final couple of days in Dallas, we went to Graham's Aunt Cherie's house.

We ended the night with some fabulous burgers...compliments of Cherie and Wayne!

Aunt Cherie and Ava Grace
This morning, before we headed home, we met Corey at IKEA. It was so much fun! Ava loved all of the toys and I loved looking at all the cool home decor.
We bought these cute stools for Ava's room at IKEA.
We had a great vacation and now we are enjoying some family time. Thank you to all the fam for helping to make our little vacation so much fun!

Vacation: Day 2

Monday, we headed to the Fort Worth Zoo. It was hot, but for the most part, we were comfortable in the shade. Ava Grace had an absolute blast. She loves animals and she got a huge dose!

Riding the train for a much needed break.
After a long nap, we headed to The Cheesecake Factory.

That's one BIG grilled cheese.
Banana cream cheese cake!

It was another great day filled with a lot of fun!

Vacation: Day 1

We headed to Dallas after church on Sunday for our vacation and family time. Getting ready to leave...
Aunt KK and Ava Grace took a picture while waiting for our table at Texas de Brazil.

I didn't get any pictures of all the food at the restaurant. It was outstanding. AG and I were fans of the lobster bisque. Kid cracks me up...I can barely get her to eat chicken, but she will eat lobster bisque!

In my personal opinion, Texas de Brazil was better than the churrascarias we ate at in Brazil a few years ago...I think it is Americanized and my taste buds are used to that. The price; however, is MUCH different. In Brazil, we ate for 4 dollars a person!

Thanks for a great time and experience Aunt Ann and Aunt Dorothy! We loved it!


Heartbeat, it's a Lovebeat.

Today was an exciting day. I went to the doctor to hear our new little one's heartbeat. It was such a good feeling. At first, the nurse could not find the heartbeat, so I had an ultrasound. I was a nervous wreck, but the ultrasound showed the little one kicking up a storm and his/her heartbeat was at 159 beats per minute. Ava Grace's was 148 bpm at 12 weeks. Dr. Bell said that everything looked good so far and I will go back in a month for another check-up. It looks like we will be finding out the sex of the baby in early September. Any guesses?

Our little bit

Playing on the Swing Set

AG is loving her new swing set. If she had it her way, we would stay outside all day and play. Unfortunately, the heat does not allow for that.



Ava Grace is now sleeping in her new room in her new big girl bed. I will post pictures of the room as soon as it is complete. I admit, it was really sad for me to tuck her into her new bed tonight. When I left the room, I went into her old room and removed all of her cute baby bedding. It is a bittersweet moment! She has grown up so fast! I know I am hormonal, but I did shed a few tears. She has taken every transition in her short life with stride!

Way to be flexible, Ava Grace! You are great!