
Ole John Bradlelum

My kid watches too much of The Wiggles. I realize that. They are her buds from down under. The other day, I was laying on the couch and I noticed that she knew the actual moves to the songs. All this time I've just thought that she was dancing around like a crazy person, but she is actually doing the steps. I tried to catch her in the act with her new favorite song, "Old John Bradlelem." What you can't see is that The Wiggles are slapping their legs from time to time, putting their hands behind their backs, and then covering their mouths when the kids giggle.  Had to share this video. I think it is adorable. Of course I do, it's my kid we're talking about here.


  1. Leslie, I can't tell you enough how much I appreciate you taking the time to post these little sipits of Ava Grace! It's the next best thing to being there. Thank you so much! It's a joy to get to watch her having so much fun. Not to mention the exercise she gets. Maybe I should invest in one of their DVDs!! Love to all, Renee

  2. Ava is so cute. You jut gotta love the wiggles!


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