
Carving, Candy, Costumes, and Charlie Brown

Graham has always loved Halloween and since we have been married, I have grown to love this time of the year, too. It officially kicks off Fall and we love the cooler weather. We are all about traditions in our household. Here are some of our favorite Halloween rituals:
1. Carving a pumpkin: This year we went with a traditional jack-o-lantern. In the past, we have carved some VERY intricate designs.
2. We love to munch on candy corn. Especially "Indian corn" (the kind with the chocolate bottoms).
3. The Food Network: They always have great ideas.3. Our Movie line-up: It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown , Garfield's Halloween Adventure and The Best of Rosanne: Halloween Edition. Graham always watches some other movies, too, but these are the one's we watch together. 4. Costumes: Here is Ava Grace in her pumpkin p.j.'s from Halloween 2007. I can't wait to get some pics of her in her costume this year.


Ready for the cold!

We had a great time in Conway this weekend. I didn't get many pics, but I did get a pic of Ava Grace in her new winter coat. She is so stinkin' cute in it!


I'm set!

Nothing beats The Wiggles, a sippy full of milk, and footed pajamas!



In the fall, I am always on the hunt for a delicious caramel apple. Today, we went to Kopper Kettle Candies and I spotted a gorgeous apple. They had many apples to choose from, but I chose the caramel apple covered in cinnamon and sugar. I thought it was a nice change from the chocolate drizzle with nuts. I was so glad that this year my caramel apple choice was the right one!


Then and Now

Last year I bought a cute little witch hat at Hobby Lobby.

{last year}

{this year}

Oh the joys two bucks can bring!


Say Cheese

Ava Grace loves her pink hat. She wears it constantly at home. She hasn't quite figured out how to put it back on. So, when it falls off, we hear screams coming from whatever room she is in at the time.

Say Cheese!


Hay Day!!!

Today, Graham, Ava Grace, and I went to Wild Things Farm with some friends. They had a hay ride, pumpkin catapult, corn maze, pumpkin patch, and petting zoo. We had a blast.


Our Girl

"One finger, one thumb, keep moving" (The Wiggles)

Good Times with Good Friends

Our good friends Jeff and Yvonne came to visit this weekend and we always love seeing them. Jeff and Graham went to the Hogs game today and Yvonne, Ava Grace, and I shopped and did some fun crafts. Yvonne loves to craft just like me, so we put our creative minds together to come up with this cute bow holder for Ava's room. We had a blast talking and spending time together. Yvonne is due to have their third son in about a month and I can't wait to meet him. He doesn't even know how blessed he is to have parents like his mommy and daddy. We love you guys!

Some Things Never Change

AG has really changed and grown in a lot of ways over the course of her short life, but she still loves laying in her daddy's arms. It's so incredibly sweet.