
Ava Grace is 9 months old!

Our little girl is 9 months old. This month she finally got her first two teeth and just today she has been standing without holding on to anything. It is so cool to watch her grow and develop.


Happy Mother's Day

My very first Mother's Day has been a true joy. Friday, I went to the spa and had a relaxing massage. It was so great and so much better than the DEEP tissue massage I had about 6 weeks after my c-section. When I got home, my mom and dad were already at my house playing with...you guessed it! Saturday, we spent the day shopping and hanging out. And today we were blessed by being able to be a part of the Baby Dedication Service at church.

I pray every day for Ava Grace's salvation and I thank the Lord for this precious gift he has given me.  

*Ava Grace's dress is made out of a vintage pillow case. She looked absolutely adorable in it!


Month of Many

My second favorite month of the year is finally here. Next to December, I LOVE MAY.

Here's the rundown:
*May 8th: my sister-in-law turns 21! Yea Casey!
*May 11th: I celebrate my very first Mother's Day (Graham has already given me a gift--a relaxing day at the spa.)
*May 13th: Ava Grace turns 9 months old!
*May 18th: my birthday!
*May 30th: THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL! Whew, I made it!
*May 31st: Graham and I celebrate our 5th anniversary!

Now for an Ava Grace story:

Ava Grace loves water bottles. It's really our fault--we sometimes give her a sip of our water and she loves it. A water bottle can occupy her for a good bit of time. Tonight at youth, I gave her a water bottle to play with during the devotion time.